Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#1 Obama = Terrorist

Yesterday around 13:00 off the west coast, the democrats were up to their no good again. A Cobra helicopter was high jacked from a millitary base in California by an alleged liberal terrorist group. They stole one helicopter, three navy issued wet suits, highly concetrated traquilzer darts, and an oddly high number of NASA developed laser beams. The man you see on the ladder is believed to be liberal terrorist leader Barrack Obama. After losing the election in 08' he has decided to attempt Doctor Evil's plan and get, "Sharks with frickin laser beams on their head's." The report was deprived of details in whether or not the attempt was successful. President and war hero, John McCain says, "I'm not too worried about it." when asked why he replied, "well Osama, I mean Obama had enough trouble with leading a community organizer group. How on god's green earth is he going to run a terrorist organization." Everyone seems to agree with the president and wish Barrack best wishes on world domination. When we asked shark expert Matt Hooper, and Police Chief Martin Brody about the size of the shark they say, "A shark that size hasn't been seen since the July Amity incident." It is belived that the terrorist was killed in the audacious attempt. Finally we asked Stan Smith from the CIA what he thinks about the recent terrorist acts, he said, "We are unsure if the terrorist was killed, but the great thing about terrorists is, we never run out of them! It's a good thing too cause if they did I'd be out of job." The waters are being searched by the same people who looked for weapons of mass destruction in the former Iraq. Like the former Iraq, they don't expect to find anything. America's finest clearly working hard to keep you safe.
By: Kent Brockman


wayzatacreative said...

well first of all i thought this story was really creative. i think you really have an imagination. you made it sound interesting and i was interested to read more even though i wanted to read about how untrue it was. some things that you could work on is making it more clear. you have so many names in one paragraph it is really hard to remember who is who. another thing you could work on is becoming a democrat haha jk you can believe whatever you want. but seriously something else that you can improve is explain more about the picture because you mostly talk about things outside of the picture (before and after the pic)

tomorrowiswaiting said...

I agree with creative in that you should focus more on the picture because I got a little lost in the political lingo. I liked that you used the sophisticated language that you did because it tied into knowledge of the audience. Republicans and almost all politicians are very smart and use extensive vocabulary. I loved the humor in here, but I thought it was sidetracking the reader from the story. Overall, it was enjoyable to read even for a non-politician.

Zoolander said...

now that i read it again i see what you are saying... i didnt understand the assignment that well and kinda just used the picture for a story starter not just an explanation... thnx for the tips lol and barrack actually is a terrorist i didnt make that up lol