Wednesday, September 24, 2008

#3 lakeshore

The last glimpse of sun was just ducking behind the north wood's trees. The concealed little lake sat quiet and serene in the dying light. You couldn't tell where the water ended and shore began, because the water sat so still. I sat there alone at the edge of the water by myself, although I didn't feel like I was alone. I had a comforting feeling churning deep inside of me. A cool breeze lapped over me, and sent shivers shooting up my spine. I shut my eyes and inhlaled through my nostrils and could smell the evergreen's scent overwhelming the fresh air. A loon call rang out in the distance, echoing from shore to shore. I sat back and looked at the outstretched sky above me, and drifted off in the swirling clouds that crawled across the perfect sky, on that perfect day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

#2 Rock Legend

We ROCK! I mean anyone who thinks we aren't one of the most kick ass rock bands in all time is either drunk or high. I personally don't know anyone who doesn't like us. With me on the vocals how you can you not. We practically wrote the book when it comes to Rock n' Roll. I mean it's 2008 and the 70's still haven't died yet! As we like to say, "The train that kept on rollin all night long of rock n' roll you can not kill. It will live forever..." Plus not many people can say they have a roller coaster named after them. Man we're legend and that's that... ROCK ON!
-Steven Tyler

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#1 Obama = Terrorist

Yesterday around 13:00 off the west coast, the democrats were up to their no good again. A Cobra helicopter was high jacked from a millitary base in California by an alleged liberal terrorist group. They stole one helicopter, three navy issued wet suits, highly concetrated traquilzer darts, and an oddly high number of NASA developed laser beams. The man you see on the ladder is believed to be liberal terrorist leader Barrack Obama. After losing the election in 08' he has decided to attempt Doctor Evil's plan and get, "Sharks with frickin laser beams on their head's." The report was deprived of details in whether or not the attempt was successful. President and war hero, John McCain says, "I'm not too worried about it." when asked why he replied, "well Osama, I mean Obama had enough trouble with leading a community organizer group. How on god's green earth is he going to run a terrorist organization." Everyone seems to agree with the president and wish Barrack best wishes on world domination. When we asked shark expert Matt Hooper, and Police Chief Martin Brody about the size of the shark they say, "A shark that size hasn't been seen since the July Amity incident." It is belived that the terrorist was killed in the audacious attempt. Finally we asked Stan Smith from the CIA what he thinks about the recent terrorist acts, he said, "We are unsure if the terrorist was killed, but the great thing about terrorists is, we never run out of them! It's a good thing too cause if they did I'd be out of job." The waters are being searched by the same people who looked for weapons of mass destruction in the former Iraq. Like the former Iraq, they don't expect to find anything. America's finest clearly working hard to keep you safe.
By: Kent Brockman