Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A Sunday afternoon drive can be a wonderfully relaxing time. You mosey in and out of neighborhoods and enjoying your life until you pull up at a stop light right behind the 2nd most outspoken wacko ever (right after Michael Moore). I mean really, is it so crutial to our society's exsistance that you make a once decent looking car like a urinal advertisment? Sure you're expressing your "free spreech" and blah, blah, blah, not important. Do you think your changing anybodies mind? Nope. All you're succsefully doing is getting yourself flipped off. If you feel so compelled about the issue or whatever it is you are publicly displaying but don't have the actual energy to do anything but put a sticker on your car. You either don't know squat about the issue your campaigning or are just a plain lazy instigator trying to stir the pot. Then you might say well my bumper sticker isn't offending anyone. WRONG. There are so many wierd ass people out there that no matter what it says someone will be offended no matter how harmless it is. So I say band them all if you still feel the need to ruin perfectly good looking objects and at the same time offend people then maybe you should try spray painting provakitive pictures on public property. So NO MORE BUMPER SICKERS.


i like turtles :) said...

I dont really mind bumper stickers myselft but they do get annoying sometimes. I wouldnt vote for this law. If you dont like the bumper stickers then dont read them. It is the right to free speach they paid for their car they can decorate it anyway. Thats like saying you cant wear certin clothes because they could offend people. I dont like this law and wouldnt vote for it.

Zoolander said...

to be quite honest i was just trying to be provakative you know not actually legit.